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<br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined index: bahasa in <b>/var/www/katalog/src/pages/produk-detail.php</b> on line <b>58</b><br /> Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X | Katalog Produk
Notice: Undefined index: imei in /var/www/katalog/src/partials/navbar.php on line 2


Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X

Bebas PPN
Notice: Undefined index: kode_kab in /var/www/katalog/src/pages/harga-produk.php on line 109

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Info Produk

SKU Lama 03MBBS1016
SKU Baru 010101015S0810
Kategori Buku HET > Buku Teks Utama > Buku Teks Utama Kurmer
Kondisi Baru
(P x L x T)
25.00 x 17.60 x 0.95 Cm
Dimensi Packing 25.06 x 17.64 x 0.95 Cm
Berat 0.33 Kg
Berat Packing 0.33 Kg
Waktu & Cara Pengiriman Reguler / Jaladara
Jaminan Pengiriman -
Status Ketersediaan Ready Stock
Tag PPN Bebas PPN

Buku ini disusun oleh Budi Hermawan, Dwi Haryanti, Nining Suryaningsih; terbitan Kemdikbudristek; ukuran buku 17,6 x 25 cm; tebal 200 halaman; cetak full colour; kertas isi HVS 70 gr; kertas cover AC 210 gr; finishing varnish glossy perfect binding. Isi buku: Responding to this challenge, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, designed and implemented the Kurikulum Merdeka. Part of implementing the curriculum is the provision of learning resources in the form of textbooks that support the achievement of curriculum goals through teaching materials and learning activities that are not only interesting and fun but also equip students with the knowledge and abilities needed today SK Penetapan/Pengesahan Judul: Kepmen 040/H/P/2022; SK BSKAP Penetapan HET No.027/H/P/2023

Info Produk

Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in /var/www/katalog/src/pages/produk-detail.php on line 450
GO Logistik -
GO Blangkon Jateng -
GO Jatim -
GO Jabar -
Xooply (Metranet/telkom) -
Padi UMKM -

Kertas lebih bagus (brightness >80%); TKDN+BMP 90,15%; Komplit Judul

Principal Intan Pariwara Vitarana
PIC Sidik Purnomo
Nomor HP 08112686349
Surat Elektronik